Math Circles

From 2021-2023, I worked with the Texas A&M University Math Circle (TAMU Math Circle) as a instructor for beginning, intermediate and advanced discovery learning sessions.   In the fall of 2022, I became an organizer for the TAMU Math Circle.

During the 2020-2021 school year, I was a UCI Math Circle (UCIMC)-Coordinator.  UCIMC is a weekly math enrichment program open to students grades 4-12.  As coordinator, I was responsible for curriculum development, recruiting and training mentors and leading the lessons.  With Alessandra Pantano and Yasmeen Baki, we wrote a paper (published by the Journal of Math Circles) on the transition of the UCI Math Circle to an online format during the COVID-19 pandemic

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UCI Math Circles was held in person.  Below are the activity packets I created for lessons I led between 2016-2020.  You are free to use these packets for your own math circles as long as you don't take credit for them.  Answers to the problems are available upon request.